Monday, September 28, 2009

Travel Misadventures!

For those who have traveled with me, you know I tend to attract trouble whilst flying wherever I go. I'm like a travel/trouble magnet. For instence, let's recap some of my Africa travel misadventuers.

1. Lose my boarding pass before entering the plane in Jo-berg, got held back had to buy a new ticket'

2. Missed my plane back to Africa completely over Christmas break.

3. Severe 8-9 hour delays

4. Lost luggage

5. The list could go one.

Well, with Lauren like class, I had some minor travel difficulties today. These included:

1. equipment being broke on plane. Fixed it. started to go. stuck on runway. relized something else was broken and had to drive back to the gate to fix it.

2. After that was fix, went into the air but due to low cloud coverage in MN, they were only using one ramp at a time so we had to circle in the air.

3. Luckily, my plane was delayed so I barely made it ontime! However, once again, stuck on the runway.

4. Then had to circle above Philly airport.

5. Finally, after a long adventure, the gate that you exit from the airplane was broken. So they had to drive over stairs so we could leave.

6. I tried calling my friends cellphone but the pay phone kept eatting my money! I asked a guy if I had one he could borrow. He told me flat out no. I could see his cell phone sitting next to him in plain view.

7. Arrived at the hotel finally, only to think I got kicked out of the Peace Corps because I was not on the list to check in. After 15-20 minutes, they found out I was on the actually check in list tomorrow.

So yes! True Lo Lo Fashion! However, some of my teammates had to deal with completely cancelled flights, so I think I lucked out.

Anyways, Philly is good! Mexican food/drinks with teammates and got to visit my dear friend Cassie! Everyone seems cool, but it's very overwelming right now.

I miss Arizona a lot. But I'm excited. Tomorrow is staging!

Anyways, gotta jet.

Make good choices

-Lo Lo Zicklfritz.


  1. AWW miss LOLO that sounds like a rough day... Im sure you will be fine tomorrow and things will get going for you. I know I didnt get to say much today but I will miss you dearly.... If you have seen IN HER SHOES you will know this but it seems fitting for us....

    "I carry your heart with me, i carry it in my heart. I am never without it. Anywhere I go you go my dear, and whatever is done by only me is your doing, my darling. I fear no fate, for you are my fate, my sweet. I want no world for beautiful you are my world, my true. And its you and whatever a moon has ever meant and a sun will always sing is you.
    Here is the deepest secret no body knows, here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud. And the sky of the sky of a tree called life, which grows higher then the soul can hope or mind can hide. And this is the wonder keeping the stars apart.
    I carry your heart.... I carry it in my heart"

  2. Oh Lauren. I swear only you could manage something like that! But I must say international travel does tend to get interesting!

    Good luck tomorrow!

  3. lolo i can just here you telling the story now in your zickl voice. Im glad that you made it to philly and got to hang with cass. You are going to be great. Im so excited for you.
